Familienname Scharmach

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 06.08.2015
Beiträge: 2

Hi I'm from Poland and I wonder what my surname Scharmach means.That part of my family is from Western Prussia(currently a part of Poland..you know Danzig area and so on) and my great-grandparents were polish so I wonder if they took the german surname or earlier they were germans living in that area and married with polish people

That surname is without the -er you know like Schust - er (my great grandmother surname)

Is that something to worry about? I know some surnames don't have -er like Albrecht but it shouldn't be a macher or something?

User offline. Last seen 1 year 19 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 31.12.2005
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Katherine schrieb:

Hi I'm from Poland and I wonder what my surname Scharmach means.That part of my family is from Western Prussia(currently a part of Poland..you know Danzig area and so on) and my great-grandparents were polish so I wonder if they took the german surname or earlier they were germans living in that area and married with polish people

That surname is without the -er you know like Schust - er (my great grandmother surname)

Is that something to worry about? I know some surnames don't have -er like Albrecht but it shouldn't be a macher or something?



zum Fam. Nam. SCHARMACH sind in Deutschland rund 100 Einträge verz.. Die vert. sich auf 58 vers. Landkreise. Die Meisten davon sind i.d. Kreisfreie Stadt Duisburg (NW) und im Landkreis Soltau-Fallingbostel (NI) verzeichnet.

In Polen ist der Name SCHARMACH rund 170 mal verzeichnet (KOPIE): Polsce jest 167 osób o nazwisku Scharmach. Zamieszkują oni w 22 różnych powiatach i miastach. Najwięcej zameldowanych jest w Starogard Gdański ,a dokładnie 44. Dalsze powiaty/miasta ze szczególnie dużą liczbą osób o tym nazwisku Gdańsk (41), Gdynia (15), Człuchów (13), Świecie (13), Tczew (6), Gliwice (5), Chojnice (5), Kościerzyna (3) i Wejherowo z liczbą wpisów 3.

Einträge zu diesem Namen gibt es in West- und Ostpreussen und in D.

Etymologie des Namens: SCHAR-MACH(Szarmach) bzw. chirmacher, ist eine alte. Berufsbezeichnungen  des STELLMACHERS (Wagenbauer).

Etymology of the name: SCHAR-MACH (PL=Szarmach) or chirmacher, is an old one Job titles of the wheelwright (carriage maker).

Ich glaube Stellmacher polnisch= kołodziej (kolodziej)??

Der Bauernhof des Stellmachers - "Zagroda Kołodzieja":


Zum Fam. Nam., der Form/Schreibweise Szarmach die Einträge in PL (Kopie): Polsce jest 1245 osób o nazwisku Szarmach.

Der Name dürfte PL ODER!  D.- Hk. sein. Dies Meinung  vertritt auch Rymut.  Hier entscheidet die Hk. der Vorfahren. (Ur- , Ur-, Ur- Ur- GROSSVATER).


For more translations just ask.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 06.08.2015
Beiträge: 2

Thank you :D

I'm sorry my german isn't so great but I could read that

Not so many Scharmach's in Germany :(

I wonder why . This isn't a very popular surname then...
