
1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
User offline. Last seen 4 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 06.07.2020
Beiträge: 1

Hello, my name is Costanza, I'm from Argentina and I'm trying to write my family history. My ancestors came from Schlsewig-Holstein in the lates 1800.

Any kind of information regarding my lastname "Polemann" would be helpful and very much appreciated.

Thank you so much in advance
Best regards to all, 

User offline. Last seen 1 year 42 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 31.12.2005
Beiträge: 4600

conita.p schrieb:

Hello, my name is Costanza, I'm from Argentina and I'm trying to write my family history. My ancestors came from Schlsewig-Holstein in the lates 1800.

Any kind of information regarding my lastname "Polemann" would be helpful and very much appreciated.

Thank you so much in advance
Best regards to all, 


Pohlmann: 1254 Jh. Poleman. Wohnstättenname zu mnd. pol, pul "Pfuhl, Schlammstehle", vgl. 1546 am Pohle = Poilmann oder HN zum Völkernamen Polen.